Episódio 122: Esteatose Hepática


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Joanne, Marcela e Fred discutem sobre doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica. Comentam sobre a confusão das nomenclaturas (NASH? NAFLD? Esteatose?), sobre os diagnósticos diferenciais, sobre os exames auxiliares (biópsia, elastografia) e sobre o tratamento.


1. Chalassani N, et al. The Diagnosis and Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Practice Guidance From the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. HEPATOLOGY, VOL. 67, NO. 1, 2018 

2. Diehl AM, Day C. Cause, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. N Engl J Med. 2017. 377;21 

3. EASL–EASD–EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Journal of Hepatology, Volume 64, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1388-1402.

4. Glen J, Floros L, Day C, Pryke R. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): summary of NICE guidance BMJ 2016; 354 :i4428.

5. Roeb E. Diagnostic and Therapy of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Narrative Review. 2021. Visc Med.

6. Pandyarajan, Vijay et al. “Screening for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in the Primary Care Clinic.” Gastroenterology & hepatology vol. 15,7 (2019): 357-365.

7. Sheka AC, et al. Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. A Review. JAMA. 2020. vol 323 N 12.

8. Sheth SG, et al. Epidemiology, clinical features, and diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in adults. UpToDate. Acesso em Jan/2022. 

9. Vuppalanchi, R., Gould, R.J., Wilson, L.A. et al. Clinical significance of serum autoantibodies in patients with NAFLD: results from the nonalcoholic steatohepatitis clinical research network. Hepatol Int 6, 379–385 (2012).
10. Hernaez, Ruben, et al. "Diagnostic accuracy and reliability of ultrasonography for the detection of fatty liver: a meta‐analysis." Hepatology 54.3 (2011): 1082-1090.

11. de Moura Almeida, Alessandro, et al. "Fatty liver disease in severe obese patients: diagnostic value of abdominal ultrasound." World journal of gastroenterology: WJG 14.9 (2008): 1415.

12. Mottin, Cláudio C., et al. "The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis in morbidly obese patients." Obesity surgery 14.5 (2004): 635-637.

13. Cho C.S., et al. Preoperative radiographic assessment of hepatic steatosis with histologic correlation. J Am Coll Surg. 2008 Mar;206(3):480-8.

14. Crossan, Catriona, et al. "Referral pathways for patients with NAFLD based on non‐invasive fibrosis tests: Diagnostic accuracy and cost analysis." Liver International 39.11 (2019): 2052-2060.

15. Boursier, Jerome, and Emmanuel A. Tsochatzis. "Case-finding strategies in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease." JHEP Reports 3.2 (2021): 100219.

16. Shah, Amy G., et al. "Comparison of noninvasive markers of fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease." Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology 7.10 (2009): 1104-1112.

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